Le Clean Bean:
Claiborne Swanson Frank

Meet Hunter and Wilder, whose mother Claiborne Swanson Frank is the celebrated American portrait photographer behind such treasured books as Mother & Child (if it isn't already in your library, we highly recommend it!). Here's what bath and bed time look like in her Greenwich, Connecticut house.

Bath or shower? Bath
Liquid or bar soap? Liquid
Greatest hit? Reggae
Toy story? Boats

Night time ritual? Bath time, movie time, book, prayers, bedtime
Clean bean is: Fresh out of the bath—clean and shiny—the kind of fresh and clean that only belongs to the sweet skin of children
It's a wrap: Kassatex towels, D. Porthault bathrobes
OOTD (Outfit of the Dreamer): Petite Plume pajamas


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